Calculate Time Averages from Time Series Data#
Updated: 04/01/24 [xcdat v0.6.1]
Related APIs:
Suppose we have netCDF4 files for air temperature data (tas
) with monthly, daily, and 3hr frequencies.
We want to calculate averages using these files with the time dimension removed (a single time snapshot), and averages by time group (yearly, seasonal, and daily).
The data used in this example can be found through the Earth System Grid Federation (ESGF) search portal.
Notebook Kernel Setup#
Users can install their own instance of xcdat and follow these examples using their own environment (e.g., with VS Code, Jupyter, Spyder, iPython) or enable xcdat with existing JupyterHub instances.
First, create the conda environment:
conda create -n xcdat_notebook_0.7.0 -c conda-forge xcdat=0.7.0 xesmf matplotlib ipython ipykernel cartopy nc-time-axis gsw-xarray jupyter
Then install the kernel from the xcdat_notebook_0.7.0
environment using ipykernel
and name the kernel with the display name (e.g., xcdat_notebook_0.7.0
python -m ipykernel install --user --name xcdat_notebook_0.7.0 --display-name xcdat_notebook_0.7.0
Then to select the kernel xcdat_notebook_0.7.0
in Jupyter to use this kernel.
%matplotlib inline
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import xcdat
1. Calculate averages with the time dimension removed (single snapshot)#
Related API: xarray.Dataset.temporal.average()
Helpful knowledge:
The frequency for the time interval is inferred before calculating weights.
The frequency is inferred by calculating the minimum delta between time coordinates and using the conditional logic below. This frequency is used to calculate weights.
Masked (missing) data is automatically handled.
The weight of masked (missing) data are excluded when averages are calculated. This is the same as giving them a weight of 0.
Open the Dataset
In this example, we will be calculating the time weighted averages with the time dimension removed (single snapshot) for monthly tas
We are using xarray’s OPeNDAP support to read a netCDF4 dataset file directly from its source. The data is not loaded over the network until we perform operations on it (e.g., temperature unit adjustment).
More information on the xarray’s OPeNDAP support can be found here.
filepath = ""
ds = xcdat.open_dataset(filepath)
# Unit adjust (-273.15, K to C)
ds["tas"] = ds.tas - 273.15
<xarray.Dataset> Size: 221MB Dimensions: (time: 1980, bnds: 2, lat: 145, lon: 192) Coordinates: * lat (lat) float64 1kB -90.0 -88.75 -87.5 -86.25 ... 87.5 88.75 90.0 * lon (lon) float64 2kB 0.0 1.875 3.75 5.625 ... 354.4 356.2 358.1 height float64 8B 2.0 * time (time) object 16kB 1850-01-16 12:00:00 ... 2014-12-16 12:00:00 Dimensions without coordinates: bnds Data variables: time_bnds (time, bnds) object 32kB ... lat_bnds (lat, bnds) float64 2kB ... lon_bnds (lon, bnds) float64 3kB ... tas (time, lat, lon) float32 220MB -27.19 -27.19 ... -25.29 -25.29 Attributes: (12/48) Conventions: CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2 activity_id: CMIP branch_method: standard branch_time_in_child: 0.0 branch_time_in_parent: 87658.0 creation_date: 2020-06-05T04:06:11Z ... ... variant_label: r10i1p1f1 version: v20200605 license: CMIP6 model data produced by CSIRO is li... cmor_version: 3.4.0 tracking_id: hdl:21.14100/af78ae5e-f3a6-4e99-8cfe-5f2... DODS_EXTRA.Unlimited_Dimension: time
ds_avg = ds.temporal.average("tas", weighted=True)
<xarray.DataArray 'tas' (lat: 145, lon: 192)> Size: 223kB array([[-48.01481628, -48.01481628, -48.01481628, ..., -48.01481628, -48.01481628, -48.01481628], [-44.94085363, -44.97948214, -45.01815398, ..., -44.82408252, -44.86273067, -44.9009281 ], [-44.11875274, -44.23060624, -44.33960158, ..., -43.76766492, -43.88593717, -44.00303006], ..., [-18.21076615, -18.17513373, -18.13957458, ..., -18.32720478, -18.28428828, -18.2486193 ], [-18.50778243, -18.49301854, -18.47902819, ..., -18.55410851, -18.5406963 , -18.52413098], [-19.07366375, -19.07366375, -19.07366375, ..., -19.07366375, -19.07366375, -19.07366375]]) Coordinates: * lat (lat) float64 1kB -90.0 -88.75 -87.5 -86.25 ... 87.5 88.75 90.0 * lon (lon) float64 2kB 0.0 1.875 3.75 5.625 ... 352.5 354.4 356.2 358.1 height float64 8B 2.0 Attributes: operation: temporal_avg mode: average freq: month weighted: True
<matplotlib.collections.QuadMesh at 0x157ef6990>
2. Calculate grouped averages#
Related API: xarray.Dataset.temporal.group_average()
Helpful knowledge:
Each specified frequency has predefined groups for grouping time coordinates.
The table below maps type of averages with its API frequency and grouping convention.
Type of Averages
API Frequency
Group By
year, month
year, season
Custom seasonal
andseason_config={"custom_seasons": <2D ARRAY>}
year, season
year, month, day
year, month, day, hour
The grouping conventions are based on CDAT/cdutil, except for daily and hourly means which aren’t implemented in CDAT/cdutil.
Masked (missing) data is automatically handled.
The weight of masked (missing) data are excluded when averages are calculated. This is the same as giving them a weight of 0.
Open the Dataset
In this example, we will be calculating the weighted grouped time averages for tas
We are using xarray’s OPeNDAP support to read a netCDF4 dataset file directly from its source. The data is not loaded over the network until we perform operations on it (e.g., temperature unit adjustment).
More information on the xarray’s OPeNDAP support can be found here.
filepath = ""
ds = xcdat.open_dataset(filepath)
# Unit adjust (-273.15, K to C)
ds["tas"] = ds.tas - 273.15
<xarray.Dataset> Size: 221MB Dimensions: (time: 1980, bnds: 2, lat: 145, lon: 192) Coordinates: * lat (lat) float64 1kB -90.0 -88.75 -87.5 -86.25 ... 87.5 88.75 90.0 * lon (lon) float64 2kB 0.0 1.875 3.75 5.625 ... 354.4 356.2 358.1 height float64 8B 2.0 * time (time) object 16kB 1850-01-16 12:00:00 ... 2014-12-16 12:00:00 Dimensions without coordinates: bnds Data variables: time_bnds (time, bnds) object 32kB ... lat_bnds (lat, bnds) float64 2kB ... lon_bnds (lon, bnds) float64 3kB ... tas (time, lat, lon) float32 220MB -27.19 -27.19 ... -25.29 -25.29 Attributes: (12/48) Conventions: CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2 activity_id: CMIP branch_method: standard branch_time_in_child: 0.0 branch_time_in_parent: 87658.0 creation_date: 2020-06-05T04:06:11Z ... ... variant_label: r10i1p1f1 version: v20200605 license: CMIP6 model data produced by CSIRO is li... cmor_version: 3.4.0 tracking_id: hdl:21.14100/af78ae5e-f3a6-4e99-8cfe-5f2... DODS_EXTRA.Unlimited_Dimension: time
Yearly Averages#
Group time coordinates by year
ds_yearly = ds.temporal.group_average("tas", freq="year", weighted=True)
<xarray.DataArray 'tas' (time: 165, lat: 145, lon: 192)> Size: 37MB array([[[-48.75573349, -48.75573349, -48.75573349, ..., -48.75573349, -48.75573349, -48.75573349], [-45.65206528, -45.69302368, -45.73506165, ..., -45.52127838, -45.56386566, -45.60668945], [-44.77523422, -44.90583801, -45.03297043, ..., -44.37118149, -44.50630951, -44.64050293], ..., [-20.50597572, -20.48132133, -20.45456505, ..., -20.58895874, -20.55752182, -20.53087234], [-20.79759216, -20.78425217, -20.77545547, ..., -20.83267975, -20.82335663, -20.80768394], [-21.20114899, -21.20114899, -21.20114899, ..., -21.20114899, -21.20114899, -21.20114899]], [[-48.95254898, -48.95254898, -48.95254898, ..., -48.95254898, -48.95254898, -48.95254898], [-45.83190918, -45.8649025 , -45.89875031, ..., -45.7321701 , -45.76544189, -45.79859543], [-44.93536758, -45.03795624, -45.13800812, ..., -44.61143112, -44.71986008, -44.82937241], ... [-14.91627121, -14.89926147, -14.88381004, ..., -14.99542999, -14.96513653, -14.93853188], [-15.40592194, -15.39668083, -15.38595486, ..., -15.43246269, -15.42605591, -15.41356754], [-15.94499969, -15.94499969, -15.94499969, ..., -15.94499969, -15.94499969, -15.94499969]], [[-47.59732056, -47.59732056, -47.59732056, ..., -47.59732056, -47.59732056, -47.59732056], [-44.72136688, -44.76342773, -44.80350494, ..., -44.59239197, -44.63444519, -44.67822647], [-43.85031891, -43.96956253, -44.08713913, ..., -43.47090149, -43.59676361, -43.72407913], ..., [-14.52023029, -14.47407913, -14.43230724, ..., -14.67551422, -14.62093163, -14.56736755], [-14.91123581, -14.89230919, -14.86901569, ..., -14.9820118 , -14.96266842, -14.93872261], [-15.6184063 , -15.6184063 , -15.6184063 , ..., -15.6184063 , -15.6184063 , -15.6184063 ]]]) Coordinates: * lat (lat) float64 1kB -90.0 -88.75 -87.5 -86.25 ... 87.5 88.75 90.0 * lon (lon) float64 2kB 0.0 1.875 3.75 5.625 ... 352.5 354.4 356.2 358.1 height float64 8B 2.0 * time (time) object 1kB 1850-01-01 00:00:00 ... 2014-01-01 00:00:00 Attributes: operation: temporal_avg mode: group_average freq: year weighted: True
This GIF was created using xmovie.
Sample xmovie
import xmovie
mov = xmovie.Movie(ds_yearly_avg.tas)"temporal-average-yearly.gif")
Seasonal Averages#
Group time coordinates by year and season
ds_season = ds.temporal.group_average("tas", freq="season", weighted=True)
<xarray.DataArray 'tas' (time: 661, lat: 145, lon: 192)> Size: 147MB array([[[-32.70588303, -32.70588303, -32.70588303, ..., -32.70588303, -32.70588303, -32.70588303], [-30.99376678, -31.03758621, -31.08932686, ..., -30.84562302, -30.89412689, -30.94400978], [-30.0251503 , -30.14543724, -30.26419067, ..., -29.66037178, -29.78108025, -29.90287781], ..., [-37.72314072, -37.68549347, -37.65416718, ..., -37.82619858, -37.79034424, -37.75682831], [-38.27464676, -38.26372528, -38.25014496, ..., -38.29218292, -38.29063797, -38.28456116], [-38.74358749, -38.74358749, -38.74358749, ..., -38.74358749, -38.74358749, -38.74358749]], [[-54.29086304, -54.29086304, -54.29086304, ..., -54.29086304, -54.29086304, -54.29086304], [-51.11771393, -51.17523575, -51.23055267, ..., -50.93516541, -50.99657059, -51.05614471], [-50.31804657, -50.48666382, -50.64956665, ..., -49.79003143, -49.97007751, -50.14521027], ... [-12.34277439, -12.2246685 , -12.10663223, ..., -12.74492168, -12.60908794, -12.47839165], [-13.12640381, -13.0661087 , -13.00387573, ..., -13.306077 , -13.25871468, -13.19972038], [-14.28846931, -14.28846931, -14.28846931, ..., -14.28846931, -14.28846931, -14.28846931]], [[-28.99049377, -28.99049377, -28.99049377, ..., -28.99049377, -28.99049377, -28.99049377], [-28.19291687, -28.22457886, -28.26130676, ..., -28.09593201, -28.12599182, -28.15802002], [-27.60740662, -27.7056427 , -27.80511475, ..., -27.31161499, -27.41082764, -27.50836182], ..., [-24.25627136, -24.14059448, -24.03753662, ..., -24.61853027, -24.48849487, -24.36643982], [-24.62901306, -24.61338806, -24.54986572, ..., -24.75204468, -24.72160339, -24.66641235], [-25.28923035, -25.28923035, -25.28923035, ..., -25.28923035, -25.28923035, -25.28923035]]]) Coordinates: * lat (lat) float64 1kB -90.0 -88.75 -87.5 -86.25 ... 87.5 88.75 90.0 * lon (lon) float64 2kB 0.0 1.875 3.75 5.625 ... 352.5 354.4 356.2 358.1 height float64 8B 2.0 * time (time) object 5kB 1850-01-01 00:00:00 ... 2015-01-01 00:00:00 Attributes: operation: temporal_avg mode: group_average freq: season weighted: True dec_mode: DJF drop_incomplete_djf: False
Notice that the season of each time coordinate is represented by its middle month.
“DJF” is represented by month 1 (“J”/January)
“MAM” is represented by month 4 (“A”/April)
“JJA” is represented by month 7 (“J”/July)
“SON” is represented by month 10 (“O”/October).
This is implementation design was used because datetime
objects do not distinguish seasons, so the middle month is used instead.
<xarray.DataArray 'time' (time: 661)> Size: 5kB array([cftime.DatetimeProlepticGregorian(1850, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, has_year_zero=True), cftime.DatetimeProlepticGregorian(1850, 4, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, has_year_zero=True), cftime.DatetimeProlepticGregorian(1850, 7, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, has_year_zero=True), ..., cftime.DatetimeProlepticGregorian(2014, 7, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, has_year_zero=True), cftime.DatetimeProlepticGregorian(2014, 10, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, has_year_zero=True), cftime.DatetimeProlepticGregorian(2015, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, has_year_zero=True)], dtype=object) Coordinates: height float64 8B 2.0 * time (time) object 5kB 1850-01-01 00:00:00 ... 2015-01-01 00:00:00 Attributes: bounds: time_bnds axis: T long_name: time standard_name: time _ChunkSizes: 1
Visualize averages derived from monthly data on a specific point#
# plot time series of temporal averages for a specific grid point: seasonal and yearly averages derived from monthly time series
lat_point = 30
lon_point = 30
start_year = "2005-01-01"
end_year = "2014-12-31"
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 3))
ax = plt.subplot()
ds.tas.sel(lat=lat_point, lon=lon_point, time=slice(start_year, end_year)).plot(
ax=ax, label="monthly (RAW DATA)", alpha=0.5
ds_season.tas.sel(lat=lat_point, lon=lon_point, time=slice(start_year, end_year)).plot(
ax=ax, label="season", alpha=0.5
ds_yearly.tas.sel(lat=lat_point, lon=lon_point, time=slice(start_year, end_year)).plot(
ax=ax, label="yearly", alpha=0.5
plt.title("Seasonal and yearly averages derived from monthly time series")
Monthly Averages#
Group time coordinates by year and month
For this example, we will be loading a subset of daily time series data for tas
using OPeNDAP.
For OPeNDAP servers, the default file size request limit is 500MB in the TDS server configuration. Opening up a dataset over OPeNDAP also introduces an overhead compared to direct file access.
The workaround is to use Dask to request the data in manageable chunks, which overcomes file size limitations and can improve performance.
We have a few ways to chunk our request:
to let Dask determine the chunksize.Specify a specify the file size to chunk on (e.g.,
) or number of chunks as an integer (100
for 100 chunks).
Visit this page to learn more about chunking and performance:
# The size of this file is approximately 1.45 GB, so we will be chunking our
# request using Dask to avoid hitting the OPeNDAP file size request limit for
# this ESGF node.
ds2 = xcdat.open_dataset(
chunks={"time": "auto"},
# Unit adjust (-273.15, K to C)
ds2["tas"] = ds2.tas - 273.15
<xarray.Dataset> Size: 2GB Dimensions: (lat: 145, bnds: 2, lon: 192, time: 14608) Coordinates: * lat (lat) float64 1kB -90.0 -88.75 -87.5 -86.25 ... 87.5 88.75 90.0 * lon (lon) float64 2kB 0.0 1.875 3.75 5.625 ... 354.4 356.2 358.1 height float64 8B ... * time (time) object 117kB 2010-01-01 03:00:00 ... 2015-01-01 00:00:00 Dimensions without coordinates: bnds Data variables: lat_bnds (lat, bnds) float64 2kB dask.array<chunksize=(145, 2), meta=np.ndarray> lon_bnds (lon, bnds) float64 3kB dask.array<chunksize=(192, 2), meta=np.ndarray> tas (time, lat, lon) float32 2GB dask.array<chunksize=(1205, 145, 192), meta=np.ndarray> time_bnds (time, bnds) object 234kB 2010-01-01 03:00:00 ... 2015-01-01 0... Attributes: (12/48) Conventions: CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2 activity_id: CMIP branch_method: standard branch_time_in_child: 0.0 branch_time_in_parent: 87658.0 creation_date: 2020-06-05T04:54:56Z ... ... variant_label: r10i1p1f1 version: v20200605 license: CMIP6 model data produced by CSIRO is li... cmor_version: 3.4.0 tracking_id: hdl:21.14100/b79e6a05-c482-46cf-b3b8-83b... DODS_EXTRA.Unlimited_Dimension: time
ds2_monthly_avg = ds2.temporal.group_average("tas", freq="month", weighted=True)
<xarray.DataArray 'tas' (time: 61, lat: 145, lon: 192)> Size: 14MB dask.array<truediv, shape=(61, 145, 192), dtype=float64, chunksize=(1, 145, 192), chunktype=numpy.ndarray> Coordinates: * lat (lat) float64 1kB -90.0 -88.75 -87.5 -86.25 ... 87.5 88.75 90.0 * lon (lon) float64 2kB 0.0 1.875 3.75 5.625 ... 352.5 354.4 356.2 358.1 height float64 8B ... * time (time) object 488B 2010-01-01 00:00:00 ... 2015-01-01 00:00:00 Attributes: operation: temporal_avg mode: group_average freq: month weighted: True
Daily Averages#
Group time coordinates by year, month, and day
For this example, we will be opening a subset of 3hr time series data for tas
using OPeNDAP.
# The size of this file is approximately 1.17 GB, so we will be chunking our
# request using Dask to avoid hitting the OPeNDAP file size request limit for
# this ESGF node.
ds3 = xcdat.open_dataset(
chunks={"time": "auto"},
# Unit adjust (-273.15, K to C)
ds3["tas"] = ds3.tas - 273.15
<xarray.DataArray 'tas' (time: 14608, lat: 145, lon: 192)> Size: 2GB dask.array<sub, shape=(14608, 145, 192), dtype=float32, chunksize=(1205, 145, 192), chunktype=numpy.ndarray> Coordinates: * lat (lat) float64 1kB -90.0 -88.75 -87.5 -86.25 ... 87.5 88.75 90.0 * lon (lon) float64 2kB 0.0 1.875 3.75 5.625 ... 352.5 354.4 356.2 358.1 height float64 8B ... * time (time) object 117kB 2010-01-01 03:00:00 ... 2015-01-01 00:00:00
ds3_day_avg = ds3.temporal.group_average("tas", freq="day", weighted=True)
<xarray.DataArray 'tas' (time: 1827, lat: 145, lon: 192)> Size: 407MB dask.array<truediv, shape=(1827, 145, 192), dtype=float64, chunksize=(1, 145, 192), chunktype=numpy.ndarray> Coordinates: * lat (lat) float64 1kB -90.0 -88.75 -87.5 -86.25 ... 87.5 88.75 90.0 * lon (lon) float64 2kB 0.0 1.875 3.75 5.625 ... 352.5 354.4 356.2 358.1 height float64 8B ... * time (time) object 15kB 2010-01-01 00:00:00 ... 2015-01-01 00:00:00 Attributes: operation: temporal_avg mode: group_average freq: day weighted: True
Visualize averages derived from 3-hourly data on a specific point#
# plot time series of temporal averages for a specific grid point: daily and monthly averages derived from 3-hourly time series
lat_point = 30
lon_point = 30
start_year = "2010-01-01"
end_year = "2014-12-31"
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 3))
ax = plt.subplot()
ds2.tas.sel(lat=lat_point, lon=lon_point, time=slice(start_year, end_year)).plot(
ax=ax, label="3-hourly (RAW DATA)", alpha=0.5
lat=lat_point, lon=lon_point, time=slice(start_year, end_year)
).plot(ax=ax, label="daily", alpha=0.5)
lat=lat_point, lon=lon_point, time=slice(start_year, end_year)
).plot(ax=ax, label="monthly", alpha=0.5)
plt.title("Daily and monthly averages derived from 3-hourly time series")