Project Maintenance#
This page covers tips for project maintenance.
Releasing a New Version#
Checkout the latest
branch.Checkout a branch with the name of the version.
# For release candidates, append "rc" to <version> git checkout -b <version> git push --set-upstream origin <version>
Add updates to
and commit.Bump version using tbump.
# <version> should match step 2 # --no-tag is required since tagging is handled in step 5. tbump <version> --no-tag
Create a pull request to the main repo and merge it.
Create a GitHub release.
Open a PR to the xcdat conda-forge feedstock with the latest changes.
Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery (CI/CD)#
This project uses GitHub Actions to run the CI/CD build workflow.
This workflow is triggered by Git pull_request
and push
(merging PRs) events to the the main repo’s main
- Jobs:
for formatting, linting, and type checkingBuild conda CI/CD environment with different Python versions, install package, and run test suite