Source code for xcdat.dataset

"""Dataset module for functions related to an xarray.Dataset."""
from __future__ import annotations

import os
import pathlib
from datetime import datetime
from functools import partial
from io import BufferedIOBase
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Literal, Optional, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from dateutil import parser
from dateutil import relativedelta as rd
from xarray.backends.common import AbstractDataStore
from xarray.coding.cftime_offsets import get_date_type
from xarray.coding.times import convert_times, decode_cf_datetime
from xarray.coding.variables import lazy_elemwise_func, pop_to, unpack_for_decoding
from xarray.core.types import NestedSequence
from xarray.core.variable import as_variable

from xcdat import bounds as bounds_accessor  # noqa: F401
from xcdat._logger import _setup_custom_logger
from xcdat.axis import CFAxisKey, _get_all_coord_keys
from xcdat.axis import center_times as center_times_func
from xcdat.axis import swap_lon_axis

logger = _setup_custom_logger(__name__)

#: List of non-CF compliant time units.
NON_CF_TIME_UNITS: List[str] = ["month", "months", "year", "years"]

# Type annotation for the `paths` arg.
Paths = Union[

[docs] def open_dataset( path: str | os.PathLike[Any] | BufferedIOBase | AbstractDataStore, data_var: Optional[str] = None, add_bounds: List[CFAxisKey] | None = ["X", "Y"], decode_times: bool = True, center_times: bool = False, lon_orient: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any], ) -> xr.Dataset: """Wraps ``xarray.open_dataset()`` with post-processing options. Parameters ---------- path : str, Path, file-like or DataStore Strings and Path objects are interpreted as a path to a netCDF file or an OpenDAP URL and opened with python-netCDF4, unless the filename ends with .gz, in which case the file is gunzipped and opened with (only netCDF3 supported). Byte-strings or file-like objects are opened by (netCDF3) or h5py (netCDF4/HDF). data_var: Optional[str], optional The key of the non-bounds data variable to keep in the Dataset, alongside any existing bounds data variables, by default None. add_bounds: List[CFAxisKey] | None | bool List of CF axes to try to add bounds for (if missing), by default ["X", "Y"]. Set to None to not add any missing bounds. Please note that bounds are required for many xCDAT features. * This parameter calls :py:func:`xarray.Dataset.bounds.add_missing_bounds` * Supported CF axes include "X", "Y", "Z", and "T" * By default, missing "T" bounds are generated using the time frequency of the coordinates. If desired, refer to :py:func:`xarray.Dataset.bounds.add_time_bounds` if you require more granular configuration for how "T" bounds are generated. decode_times: bool, optional If True, attempt to decode times encoded in the standard NetCDF datetime format into cftime.datetime objects. Otherwise, leave them encoded as numbers. This keyword may not be supported by all the backends, by default True. center_times: bool, optional If True, attempt to center time coordinates using the midpoint between its upper and lower bounds. Otherwise, use the provided time coordinates, by default False. lon_orient: Optional[Tuple[float, float]], optional The orientation to use for the Dataset's longitude axis (if it exists). Either `(-180, 180)` or `(0, 360)`, by default None. Supported options include: * None: use the current orientation (if the longitude axis exists) * (-180, 180): represents [-180, 180) in math notation * (0, 360): represents [0, 360) in math notation **kwargs : Dict[str, Any] Additional arguments passed on to ``xarray.open_dataset``. Refer to the [1]_ xarray docs for accepted keyword arguments. Returns ------- xr.Dataset Dataset after applying operations. Notes ----- ``xarray.open_dataset`` opens the file with read-only access. When you modify values of a Dataset, even one linked to files on disk, only the in-memory copy you are manipulating in xarray is modified: the original file on disk is never touched. References ---------- .. [1] """ ds = xr.open_dataset(path, decode_times=False, **kwargs) # type: ignore if decode_times: try: ds = decode_time(ds) except KeyError as err: logger.warning(err) ds = _postprocess_dataset(ds, data_var, center_times, add_bounds, lon_orient) return ds
[docs] def open_mfdataset( paths: str | NestedSequence[str | os.PathLike], data_var: Optional[str] = None, add_bounds: List[CFAxisKey] | None = ["X", "Y"], decode_times: bool = True, center_times: bool = False, lon_orient: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None, data_vars: Literal["minimal", "different", "all"] | List[str] = "minimal", preprocess: Optional[Callable] = None, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any], ) -> xr.Dataset: """Wraps ``xarray.open_mfdataset()`` with post-processing options. Parameters ---------- paths : str | NestedSequence[str | os.PathLike] Paths to dataset files. Paths can be given as strings or as pathlib.Path objects. Supported options include: * Directory path (e.g., ``"path/to/files"``), which is converted to a string glob of `*.nc` files * String glob (e.g., ``"path/to/files/*.nc"``), which is expanded to a 1-dimensional list of file paths * File path to dataset (e.g., ``"path/to/files/"``) * List of file paths (e.g., ``["path/to/files/", ...]``). If concatenation along more than one dimension is desired, then ``paths`` must be a nested list-of-lists (see [2]_ ``xarray.combine_nested`` for details). add_bounds: List[CFAxisKey] | None | bool List of CF axes to try to add bounds for (if missing), by default ["X", "Y"]. Set to None to not add any missing bounds. Please note that bounds are required for many xCDAT features. * This parameter calls :py:func:`xarray.Dataset.bounds.add_missing_bounds` * Supported CF axes include "X", "Y", "Z", and "T" * By default, missing "T" bounds are generated using the time frequency of the coordinates. If desired, refer to :py:func:`xarray.Dataset.bounds.add_time_bounds` if you require more granular configuration for how "T" bounds are generated. data_var: Optional[str], optional The key of the data variable to keep in the Dataset, by default None. decode_times: bool, optional If True, attempt to decode times encoded in the standard NetCDF datetime format into cftime.datetime objects. Otherwise, leave them encoded as numbers. This keyword may not be supported by all the backends, by default True. center_times: bool, optional If True, attempt to center time coordinates using the midpoint between its upper and lower bounds. Otherwise, use the provided time coordinates, by default False. lon_orient: Optional[Tuple[float, float]], optional The orientation to use for the Dataset's longitude axis (if it exists), by default None. Supported options include: * None: use the current orientation (if the longitude axis exists) * (-180, 180): represents [-180, 180) in math notation * (0, 360): represents [0, 360) in math notation data_vars: {"minimal", "different", "all" or list of str}, optional These data variables will be concatenated together: * "minimal": Only data variables in which the dimension already appears are included, the default value. * "different": Data variables which are not equal (ignoring attributes) across all datasets are also concatenated (as well as all for which dimension already appears). Beware: this option may load the data payload of data variables into memory if they are not already loaded. * "all": All data variables will be concatenated. * list of str: The listed data variables will be concatenated, in addition to the "minimal" data variables. The ``data_vars`` kwarg defaults to ``"minimal"``, which concatenates data variables in a manner where only data variables in which the dimension already appears are included. For example, the time dimension will not be concatenated to the dimensions of non-time data variables such as "lat_bnds" or "lon_bnds". ``data_vars="minimal"`` is required for some xCDAT functions, including spatial averaging where a reduction is performed using the lat/lon bounds. preprocess : Optional[Callable], optional If provided, call this function on each dataset prior to concatenation. You can find the file-name from which each dataset was loaded in ``ds.encoding["source"]``. **kwargs : Dict[str, Any] Additional arguments passed on to ``xarray.open_mfdataset``. Refer to the [3]_ xarray docs for accepted keyword arguments. Returns ------- xr.Dataset The Dataset. Notes ----- ``xarray.open_mfdataset`` opens the file with read-only access. When you modify values of a Dataset, even one linked to files on disk, only the in-memory copy you are manipulating in xarray is modified: the original file on disk is never touched. References ---------- .. [2] .. [3] .. [4] """ if isinstance(paths, str) or isinstance(paths, pathlib.Path): if os.path.isdir(paths): paths = _parse_dir_for_nc_glob(paths) preprocess = partial(_preprocess, decode_times=decode_times, callable=preprocess) ds = xr.open_mfdataset( paths, decode_times=False, data_vars=data_vars, preprocess=preprocess, **kwargs, # type: ignore ) ds = _postprocess_dataset(ds, data_var, center_times, add_bounds, lon_orient) return ds
[docs] def decode_time(dataset: xr.Dataset) -> xr.Dataset: """Decodes CF and non-CF time coordinates and time bounds using ``cftime``. By default, ``xarray`` only supports decoding time with CF compliant units [5]_. This function enables also decoding time with non-CF compliant units. It skips decoding time coordinates that have already been decoded as ``"datetime64[ns]"`` or ``cftime.datetime``. For time coordinates to be decodable, they must have a "calendar" attribute set to a CF calendar type supported by ``cftime``. CF calendar types include "noleap", "360_day", "365_day", "366_day", "gregorian", "proleptic_gregorian", "julian", "all_leap", or "standard". They must also have a "units" attribute set to a format supported by xCDAT ("months since ..." or "years since ..."). Parameters ---------- dataset : xr.Dataset Dataset with numerically encoded time coordinates and time bounds (if they exist). If the time coordinates cannot be decoded then the original dataset is returned. Returns ------- xr.Dataset Dataset with decoded time coordinates and time bounds (if they exist) as ``cftime`` objects. Raises ------ KeyError If time coordinates were not detected in the dataset, either because they don't exist at all or their CF attributes (e.g., 'axis' or 'standard_name') are not set. Notes ----- Time coordinates are represented by ``cftime.datetime`` objects because it is not restricted by the ``pandas.Timestamp`` range (years 1678 through 2262). Refer to [6]_ and [7]_ for more information on this limitation. References ----- .. [5] .. [6] .. [7] Examples -------- Decode the time coordinates in a Dataset: >>> from xcdat.dataset import decode_time >>> >>> ds.time <xarray.DataArray 'time' (time: 3)> array([0, 1, 2]) Coordinates: * time (time) int64 0 1 2 Attributes: units: years since 2000-01-01 bounds: time_bnds axis: T long_name: time standard_name: time calendar: noleap >>> >>> ds_decoded = decode_time(ds) >>> ds_decoded.time <xarray.DataArray 'time' (time: 3)> array([cftime.DatetimeNoLeap(1850, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, has_year_zero=True), cftime.DatetimeNoLeap(1850, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, has_year_zero=True), cftime.DatetimeNoLeap(1850, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, has_year_zero=True)], dtype='object') Coordinates: * time (time) datetime64[ns] 2000-01-01 2001-01-01 2002-01-01 Attributes: units: years since 2000-01-01 bounds: time_bnds axis: T long_name: time standard_name: time calendar: noleap View time encoding information: >>> ds_decoded.time.encoding {'source': None, 'dtype': dtype('int64'), 'original_shape': (3,), 'units': 'years since 2000-01-01', 'calendar': 'noleap'} """ ds = dataset.copy() coord_keys = _get_all_coord_keys(ds, "T") if len(coord_keys) == 0: raise KeyError( "No time coordinates were found in this dataset to decode. If time " "coordinates were expected to exist, make sure they are detectable by " "setting the CF 'axis' or 'standard_name' attribute (e.g., " "ds['time'].attrs['axis'] = 'T' or " "ds['time'].attrs['standard_name'] = 'time'). Afterwards, try decoding " "again with `xcdat.decode_time`." ) for key in coord_keys: coords = ds[key].copy() if _is_decodable(coords) and not _is_decoded(coords): if coords.attrs.get("calendar") is None: coords.attrs["calendar"] = "standard" logger.warning( f"'{}' does not have a calendar attribute set. " "Defaulting to CF 'standard' calendar." ) decoded_time = _decode_time(coords) ds = ds.assign_coords({ decoded_time}) try: bounds = ds.bounds.get_bounds("T", except KeyError: bounds = None if bounds is not None and not _is_decoded(bounds): # Bounds don't typically store the "units" and "calendar" # attributes required for decoding, so these attributes need to be # copied from the coordinates. bounds.attrs.update( { "units": coords.attrs["units"], "calendar": coords.attrs["calendar"], } ) decoded_bounds = _decode_time(bounds) ds = ds.assign({ decoded_bounds}) return ds
def _parse_dir_for_nc_glob(dir_path: str | pathlib.Path) -> str: """Parses a directory for a glob of `*.nc` paths. Parameters ---------- dir_path : str | pathlib.Path The directory. Returns ------- str | pathlib.Path A glob of `*.nc` paths in the directory. """ file_list = os.listdir(dir_path) if len(file_list) == 0: raise ValueError( f"The directory {dir_path} has no netcdf (`.nc`) files to open." ) if isinstance(dir_path, pathlib.Path): dir_path = str(dir_path) return os.path.join(dir_path, "*.nc") def _preprocess( ds: xr.Dataset, decode_times: Optional[bool], callable: Optional[Callable] = None ) -> xr.Dataset: """Preprocesses each dataset passed to ``open_mfdataset()``. This function accepts a user specified preprocess function, which is executed before additional internal preprocessing functions. An internal call to ``decode_time()`` is performed, which decodes both CF and non-CF time coordinates and bounds (if they exist). By default, if ``decode_times=False`` is passed to ``open_mfdataset()``, xarray will concatenate time values using the first dataset's ``units`` attribute. This results in an issue for cases where the numerically encoded time values are the same and the ``units`` attribute differs between datasets. For example, two files have the same time values, but the units of the first file is "months since 2000-01-01" and the second is "months since 2001-01-01". Since the first dataset's units are used in xarray for concatenating datasets, the time values corresponding to the second file will be dropped since they appear to be the same as the first file. Calling ``decode_time()`` on each dataset individually before concatenating solves the aforementioned issue. Parameters ---------- ds : xr.Dataset The Dataset. callable : Optional[Callable], optional A user specified optional callable function for preprocessing. Returns ------- xr.Dataset The preprocessed Dataset. """ ds_new = ds.copy() if callable: ds_new = callable(ds) if decode_times: try: ds_new = decode_time(ds_new) except KeyError as err: logger.warning(err) return ds_new def _postprocess_dataset( dataset: xr.Dataset, data_var: Optional[str] = None, center_times: bool = False, add_bounds: List[CFAxisKey] | None | bool = ["X", "Y"], lon_orient: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None, ) -> xr.Dataset: """Post-processes a Dataset object. Parameters ---------- dataset : xr.Dataset The dataset. data_var: Optional[str], optional The key of the data variable to keep in the Dataset, by default None. center_times: bool, optional If True, center time coordinates using the midpoint between its upper and lower bounds. Otherwise, use the provided time coordinates, by default False. add_bounds: List[CFAxisKey] | None | bool List of CF axes to try to add bounds for (if missing), default ["X", "Y"]. Set to None to not add any missing bounds. * This parameter simply calls :py:func:`xarray.Dataset.bounds.add_missing_bounds` * Supported CF axes include "X", "Y", "Z", and "T" * Bounds are required for many xCDAT features * If desired, use :py:func:`xarray.Dataset.bounds.add_time_bounds` if you require more granular configuration for how "T" bounds are generated lon_orient: Optional[Tuple[float, float]], optional The orientation to use for the Dataset's longitude axis (if it exists), by default None. Supported options: * None: use the current orientation (if the longitude axis exists) * (-180, 180): represents [-180, 180) in math notation * (0, 360): represents [0, 360) in math notation Returns ------- xr.Dataset The Dataset. Raises ------ ValueError If ``center_times==True`` but there are no time coordinates. ValueError If ``lon_orient is not None`` but there are no longitude coordinates. """ ds = dataset.copy() if data_var is not None: ds = _keep_single_var(dataset, data_var) if center_times: ds = center_times_func(dataset) if add_bounds is not None: ds = ds.bounds.add_missing_bounds(axes=add_bounds) if lon_orient is not None: ds = swap_lon_axis(ds, to=lon_orient, sort_ascending=True) return ds def _is_decodable(coords: xr.DataArray) -> bool: """Checks if time coordinates are decodable. Time coordinates must have a "units" attribute in a supported format to be decodable. Parameters ---------- coords : xr.DataArray The time coordinates. Returns ------- bool """ units = coords.attrs.get("units") if units is None: logger.warning( f"'{}' does not have a 'units' attribute set so it " "could not be decoded. Try setting the 'units' attribute " "(`ds.{}.attrs['units']`) and try decoding again." ) return False if isinstance(units, str) and "since" not in units: logger.warning( f"The 'units' attribute ({units}) for '{}' is not in the " "supported format 'X since Y', so it could not be decoded." ) return False return True def _is_decoded(da: xr.DataArray) -> bool: """Check if a time-based DataArray is decoded. This is determined by checking if the `encoding` dictionary has "units" and "calendar" attributes set. Parameters ---------- da : xr.DataArray A time-based DataArray (e.g,. coordinates, bounds) Returns ------- bool """ units = da.encoding.get("units") calendar = da.encoding.get("calendar") return calendar is not None and units is not None def _decode_time(da: xr.DataArray) -> xr.Variable: """Lazily decodes a DataArray of numerically encoded time with cftime. The ``xr.DataArray`` is converted to an ``xr.Variable`` so that ``xr.coding.variables.lazy_elemwise_func`` can be leveraged to lazily decode time. This function is based on ``xarray.coding.times.CFDatetimeCoder.decode``. Parameters ---------- coords : xr.DataArray A DataArray of numerically encoded time. Returns ------- xr.Variable A Variable of time decoded as ``cftime`` objects. """ variable = as_variable(da) dims, data, attrs, encoding = unpack_for_decoding(variable) units = pop_to(attrs, encoding, "units") calendar = pop_to(attrs, encoding, "calendar") transform = partial(_get_cftime_coords, units=units, calendar=calendar) data = lazy_elemwise_func(data, transform, np.dtype("object")) return xr.Variable(dims, data, attrs, encoding) def _get_cftime_coords(offsets: np.ndarray, units: str, calendar: str) -> np.ndarray: """Get an array of cftime coordinates starting from a reference date. This function calls xarray's ``decode_cf_datetime()`` if the units are CF compliant because ``decode_cf_datetime()`` considers leap days when decoding time offsets to ``cftime`` objects. For non-CF compliant units ("[months|years] since ..."), this function performs custom decoding. It flattens the array, performs decoding on the time offsets, then reshapes the array back to its original shape. Parameters ---------- offsets : np.ndarray An array of numerically encoded time offsets from the reference date. units : str The time units. calendar : str The CF calendar type supported by ``cftime``. This includes "noleap", "360_day", "365_day", "366_day", "gregorian", "proleptic_gregorian", "julian", "all_leap", and "standard". Returns ------- np.ndarray An array of ``cftime`` coordinates. """ units_type, ref_date = units.split(" since ") if units_type not in NON_CF_TIME_UNITS: return decode_cf_datetime(offsets, units, calendar=calendar, use_cftime=True) offsets = np.asarray(offsets) flat_offsets = offsets.ravel() # Convert offsets to `np.float64` to avoid "TypeError: unsupported type # for timedelta days component: numpy.int64". flat_offsets = flat_offsets.astype("float") # We don't need to do calendar arithmetic here because the units and # offsets are in "months" or "years", which means leap days should not # be factored. ref_datetime: datetime = parser.parse(ref_date, default=datetime(2000, 1, 1)) times = np.array( [ ref_datetime + rd.relativedelta(**{units_type: offset}) for offset in flat_offsets ], dtype="object", ) # Convert the array of `datetime` objects into `cftime` objects based on # the calendar type. date_type = get_date_type(calendar) coords = convert_times(times, date_type=date_type) # Reshape back to the original shape. coords = coords.reshape(offsets.shape) return coords def _keep_single_var(dataset: xr.Dataset, key: str) -> xr.Dataset: """Keeps a single non-bounds data variable in the Dataset. This function checks if the ``data_var`` key exists in the Dataset and it is not related to bounds. If those checks pass, it will subset the Dataset to retain that non-bounds ``data_var`` and all bounds data vars. Parameters ---------- dataset : xr.Dataset The Dataset. key: str The key of the non-bounds data variable to keep in the Dataset. Returns ------- xr.Dataset The Dataset. Raises ------ ValueError If the dataset only contains bounds data variables. ValueError If the specified key does not exist in the dataset. ValueError If the specified key matches a bounds data variable. """ all_vars = dataset.data_vars.keys() bounds_vars = dataset.bounds.keys non_bounds_vars = sorted(list(set(all_vars) ^ set(bounds_vars))) if len(non_bounds_vars) == 0: raise ValueError("This dataset only contains bounds data variables.") if key not in all_vars: raise ValueError(f"The data variable '{key}' does not exist in the dataset.") if key in bounds_vars: raise ValueError("Please specify a non-bounds data variable.") return dataset[[key] + bounds_vars] def _get_data_var(dataset: xr.Dataset, key: str) -> xr.DataArray: """Get a data variable in the Dataset by key. Parameters ---------- dataset : xr.Dataset The Dataset. key : str The data variable key. Returns ------- xr.DataArray The data variable. Raises ------ KeyError If the data variable does not exist in the Dataset. """ dv = dataset.get(key, None) if dv is None: raise KeyError(f"The data variable '{key}' does not exist in the Dataset.") return dv.copy()