Source code for xcdat.regridder.grid

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr

from xcdat.axis import COORD_DEFAULT_ATTRS, VAR_NAME_MAP, CFAxisKey, get_dim_coords
from xcdat.bounds import create_bounds

# First 50 zeros for the bessel function
# Taken from

# Error used for legendre polinomial
# Taken from CDAT's regrid2 module
EPS = 1e-14
# Constant used in first estimate for legendre polinomial
# Taken from CDAT's regrid2 module
ESTIMATE_CONST = 0.25 * (1.0 - np.power(2.0 / np.pi, 2))

[docs] def create_gaussian_grid(nlats: int) -> xr.Dataset: """ Creates a grid with Gaussian latitudes and uniform longitudes. Parameters ---------- nlats : int Number of latitudes. Returns ------- xr.Dataset Dataset with new grid, containing Gaussian latitudes. Examples -------- Create grid with 32 latitudes: >>> xcdat.regridder.grid.create_gaussian_grid(32) """ lat_bnds, lat = _create_gaussian_axis(nlats) lon = _create_uniform_axis(0.0, 360.0, (360.0 / (2.0 * nlats))) return create_grid(x=create_axis("lon", lon), y=(lat, lat_bnds))
def _create_gaussian_axis(nlats: int) -> Tuple[xr.DataArray, xr.DataArray]: """Create Gaussian axis. Creates a Gaussian axis of `nlats`. Parameters ---------- nlats : int Number of latitude points. Returns ------- xr.DataArray Containing the latitude bounds. xr.DataArray Containing the latitude axis. """ mid = int(np.floor(nlats / 2)) points, weights = _gaussian_axis(mid, nlats) bounds = np.zeros((nlats + 1)) bounds[0], bounds[-1] = 1.0, -1.0 for i in range(1, mid + 1): bounds[i] = bounds[i - 1] - weights[i - 1] bounds[nlats - i] = -bounds[i] points_data = (180.0 / np.pi) * np.arcsin(points) points_da = xr.DataArray( name="lat", data=points_data, dims=["lat"], attrs={ "units": "degrees_north", "axis": "Y", "bounds": "lat_bnds", }, ) bounds = (180.0 / np.pi) * np.arcsin(bounds) bounds_data = np.zeros((points.shape[0], 2)) bounds_data[:, 0] = bounds[:-1] bounds_data[:, 1] = bounds[1:] bounds_da = xr.DataArray( name="lat_bnds", data=bounds_data, dims=["lat", "bnds"], coords={ "lat": points_da, }, ) return bounds_da, points_da def _gaussian_axis(mid: int, nlats: int) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Calculates the bounds and weights for a Guassian axis. Math is based on CDAT implementation in regrid2 module. Related documents: - Parameters ---------- mid : int mid nlats : int Number of latitude points to calculate. Returns ------- Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray] First `np.ndarray` contains the angles of the bounds and the second contains the weights. """ points = _bessel_function_zeros(mid + 1) points = np.pad(points, (0, nlats - len(points))) weights = np.zeros_like(points) for x in range(int(nlats / 2 + 1)): zero_poly, first_poly, second_poly = _legendre_polinomial(points[x], nlats) points[x] = zero_poly weights[x] = ( (1.0 - zero_poly * zero_poly) * 2.0 / ((nlats * first_poly) * (nlats * first_poly)) ) points[mid if nlats % 2 == 0 else mid + 1 :] = -1.0 * np.flip(points[:mid]) weights[mid if nlats % 2 == 0 else mid + 1 :] = np.flip(weights[:mid]) if nlats % 2 != 0: weights[mid + 1] = 0.0 mid_weight = 2.0 / np.power(nlats, 2) for x in range(2, nlats + 1, 2): mid_weight = (mid_weight * np.power(nlats, 2)) / np.power(x - 1, 2) weights[mid + 1] = mid_weight return points, weights def _bessel_function_zeros(n: int) -> np.ndarray: """Zeros of Bessel function. Calculates `n` zeros of the Bessel function. Math is based on CDAT implementation in regrid2 module. Related documents: - - - Parameters ---------- n : int Number of zeros to calculate. Returns ------- np.ndarray Array containing `n` zeros of the Bessel function. """ values = np.zeros(n) lookup_n = min(n, 50) values[:lookup_n] = BESSEL_LOOKUP[:lookup_n] # interpolate remaining values if n > 50: for x in range(50, n): values[x] = values[x - 1] + np.pi return values def _legendre_polinomial(bessel_zero: int, nlats: int) -> Tuple[float, float, float]: """Legendre_polynomials. Calculates the third legendre polynomial. Math is based on CDAT implementation in regrid2 module. Related documents: - - Parameters ---------- bessel_zero : int Bessel zero used to calculate the third legendre polynomial. nlats : int Number of lats. Returns ------- Tuple[float, float, float] First, second and third legendre polynomial. """ zero_poly = np.cos(bessel_zero / np.sqrt(np.power(nlats + 0.5, 2) + ESTIMATE_CONST)) for _ in range(10): second_poly = 1.0 first_poly = zero_poly for y in range(2, nlats + 1): new_poly = ( (2.0 * y - 1.0) * zero_poly * first_poly - (y - 1.0) * second_poly ) / y second_poly = first_poly first_poly = new_poly first_poly = second_poly poly_change = (nlats * (first_poly - zero_poly * new_poly)) / ( 1.0 - zero_poly * zero_poly ) poly_slope = new_poly / poly_change zero_poly -= poly_slope abs_poly_change = np.fabs(poly_slope) if abs_poly_change <= EPS: break return zero_poly, first_poly, second_poly
[docs] def create_uniform_grid( lat_start: float, lat_stop: float, lat_delta: float, lon_start: float, lon_stop: float, lon_delta: float, ) -> xr.Dataset: """ Creates a uniform rectilinear grid and sets appropriate the attributes for the lat/lon axis. Parameters ---------- lat_start : float First latitude. lat_stop : float Last latitude. lat_delta : float Difference between two points of axis. lon_start : float First longitude. lon_stop : float Last longitude. lon_delta : float Difference between two points of axis. Returns ------- xr.Dataset Dataset with uniform lat/lon grid. Examples -------- Create 4x5 uniform grid: >>> xcdat.regridder.grid.create_uniform_grid(-90, 90, 4.0, -180, 180, 5.0) """ lat = _create_uniform_axis(lat_start, lat_stop + 0.0001, lat_delta) lon = _create_uniform_axis(lon_start, lon_stop + 0.0001, lon_delta) return create_grid(x=create_axis("lon", lon), y=create_axis("lat", lat))
def _create_uniform_axis(start: float, stop: float, delta: float) -> np.ndarray: """Create a uniform axis. Start and stop are inclusive. Parameters ---------- start : float Start value of the array. stop : float Stop value of the array. delta : float Change between each value in the array. Returns ------- np.ndarray Array containing axis values. """ return np.arange(start, stop + 0.0001, delta)
[docs] def create_global_mean_grid(grid: xr.Dataset) -> xr.Dataset: """Creates a global mean grid. Bounds are expected to be present in `grid`. Parameters ---------- grid : xr.Dataset Source grid. Returns ------- xr.Dataset A dataset containing the global mean grid. """ lat = get_dim_coords(grid, "Y") _validate_grid_has_single_axis_dim("X", lat) lat_data = np.array([(lat[0] + lat[-1]) / 2.0]) lat_bnds = grid.bounds.get_bounds("Y", lat_bnds = np.array([[lat_bnds[0, 0], lat_bnds[-1, 1]]]) lon = get_dim_coords(grid, "X") _validate_grid_has_single_axis_dim("Y", lon) lon_data = np.array([(lon[0] + lon[-1]) / 2.0]) lon_bnds = grid.bounds.get_bounds("X", lon_bnds = np.array([[lon_bnds[0, 0], lon_bnds[-1, 1]]]) return create_grid( x=create_axis("lon", lon_data, bounds=lon_bnds), y=create_axis("lat", lat_data, lat_bnds), )
[docs] def create_zonal_grid(grid: xr.Dataset) -> xr.Dataset: """Creates a zonal grid. Bounds are expected to be present in `grid`. Parameters ---------- grid : xr.Dataset Source grid. Returns ------- xr.Dataset A dataset containing a zonal grid. """ lon = get_dim_coords(grid, "X") _validate_grid_has_single_axis_dim("X", lon) out_lon_data = np.array([(lon[0] + lon[-1]) / 2.0]) lon_bnds = grid.bounds.get_bounds("X", lon_bnds = np.array([[lon_bnds[0, 0], lon_bnds[-1, 1]]]) lat = get_dim_coords(grid, "Y") _validate_grid_has_single_axis_dim("Y", lat) lat_bnds = grid.bounds.get_bounds("Y", # Ignore `Argument 1 to "create_grid" has incompatible type # "Union[Dataset, DataArray]"; expected "Union[ndarray[Any, Any], DataArray]" # mypy(error)` because this arg is validated to be a DataArray beforehand. return create_grid(x=create_axis("lon", out_lon_data, bounds=lon_bnds), y=create_axis("lat", lat, bounds=lat_bnds)) # type: ignore
[docs] def create_grid( x: xr.DataArray | Tuple[xr.DataArray, xr.DataArray | None] | None = None, y: xr.DataArray | Tuple[xr.DataArray, xr.DataArray | None] | None = None, z: xr.DataArray | Tuple[xr.DataArray, xr.DataArray | None] | None = None, attrs: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, ) -> xr.Dataset: """Creates a grid dataset using the specified axes. Parameters ---------- x : xr.DataArray | Tuple[xr.DataArray, xr.DataArray | None] | None An optional dataarray or tuple of a datarray with optional bounds to use for the "X" axis, by default None. y : xr.DataArray | Tuple[xr.DataArray, xr.DataArray | None] | None = None, An optional dataarray or tuple of a datarray with optional bounds to use for the "Y" axis, by default None. z : xr.DataArray | Tuple[xr.DataArray, xr.DataArray | None] | None An optional dataarray or tuple of a datarray with optional bounds to use for the "Z" axis, by default None. attrs : Optional[Dict[str, str]] Custom attributes to be added to the generated `xr.Dataset`. Returns ------- xr.Dataset Dataset with grid axes. Examples -------- Create uniform 2.5 x 2.5 degree grid using ``create_axis``: >>> # NOTE: `create_axis` returns (axis, bnds) >>> lat_axis = create_axis("lat", np.arange(-90, 90, 2.5)) >>> lon_axis = create_axis("lon", np.arange(1.25, 360, 2.5)) >>> >>> grid = create_grid(x=lon_axis, y=lat_axis) With custom attributes: >>> grid = create_grid( >>> x=lon_axis, y=lat_axis, attrs={"created": str(} >>> ) Create grid using existing `xr.DataArray`'s: >>> lat = xr.DataArray(...) >>> lon = xr.DataArray(...) >>> >>> grid = create_grid(x=lon, x=lat) With existing bounds: >>> lat_bnds = xr.DataArray(...) >>> lon_bnds = xr.DataArray(...) >>> >>> grid = create_grid(x=(lat, lat_bnds), y=(lon, lon_bnds)) Create vertical grid: >>> z = create_axis( >>> "lev", np.linspace(1000, 1, 20), attrs={"units": "meters", "positive": "down"} >>> ) >>> grid = create_grid(z=z) """ if np.all([item is None for item in (x, y, z)]): raise ValueError("Must pass at least 1 axis to create a grid.") axes = {"x": x, "y": y, "z": z} ds = xr.Dataset(attrs={} if attrs is None else attrs.copy()) for axis, item in axes.items(): if item is None: continue if isinstance(item, (tuple, list)): if len(item) != 2: raise ValueError( f"Argument {axis!r} should be an xr.DataArray representing " "coordinates or a tuple (xr.DataArray, xr.DataArray) representing " "coordinates and bounds." ) coords = item[0].copy(deep=True) if item[1] is not None: bnds = item[1].copy(deep=True) coords.attrs["bounds"] = ds = ds.assign({ bnds}) else: coords = item.copy(deep=True) ds = ds.assign_coords({ coords}) return ds
[docs] def create_axis( name: str, data: Union[List[Union[int, float]], np.ndarray], bounds: Optional[Union[List[List[Union[int, float]]], np.ndarray]] = None, generate_bounds: Optional[bool] = True, attrs: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, ) -> Tuple[xr.DataArray, Optional[xr.DataArray]]: """Creates an axis and optional bounds. Parameters ---------- name : str The CF standard name for the axis (e.g., "longitude", "latitude", "height"). xCDAT also accepts additional names such as "lon", "lat", and "lev". Refer to ``xcdat.axis.VAR_NAME_MAP`` for accepted names. data : Union[List[Union[int, float]], np.ndarray] 1-D axis data consisting of integers or floats. bounds : Optional[Union[List[List[Union[int, float]]], np.ndarray]] 2-D axis bounds data consisting of integers or floats, defaults to None. Must have a shape of n x 2, where n is the length of ``data``. generate_bounds : Optiona[bool] Generate bounds for the axis if ``bounds`` is None, by default True. attrs : Optional[Dict[str, str]] Custom attributes to be added to the generated `xr.DataArray` axis, by default None. User provided ``attrs`` will be merged with a set of default attributes. Default attributes ("axis", "coordinate", "bnds") cannot be overwritten. The default "units" attribute is the only default that can be overwritten. Returns ------- Tuple[xr.DataArray, Optional[xr.DataArray]] A DataArray containing the axis data and optional bounds. Raises ------ ValueError If ``name`` is not valid CF axis name. Examples -------- Create axis and generate bounds (by default): >>> lat, bnds = create_axis("lat", np.array([-45, 0, 45])) Create axis and bounds from list of floats: >>> lat, bnds = create_axis("lat", [-45, 0, 45], bounds=[[-67.5, -22.5], [-22.5, 22.5], [22.5, 67.5]]) Create axis and disable generating bounds: >>> lat, _ = create_axis("lat", np.array([-45, 0, 45]), generate_bounds=False) Provide additional attributes and overwrite `units`: >>> lat, _ = create_axis( >>> "lat", >>> np.array([-45, 0, 45]), >>> attrs={"generated": str(, "units": "degrees_south"}, >>> ) """ bnds = None axis_key = None if attrs is None: attrs = {} for cf_axis, names in VAR_NAME_MAP.items(): if name in names: axis_key = cf_axis break if axis_key is None: raise ValueError(f"The name {name!r} is not valid for an axis name.") # Replace user attributes with default attributes that can't be overwritten. default_axis_attrs = attrs.copy() default_axis_attrs.update(COORD_DEFAULT_ATTRS[axis_key].copy()) # Use the user specified "units" attribute if set. try: default_axis_attrs["units"] = attrs["units"] except KeyError: pass da = xr.DataArray(data, name=name, dims=[name], attrs=default_axis_attrs) if bounds is None: if generate_bounds: bnds = create_bounds(axis_key, da) else: bnds = xr.DataArray(bounds, name=f"{name}_bnds", dims=[name, "bnds"]) if bnds is not None: da.attrs["bounds"] = return da, bnds
def _validate_grid_has_single_axis_dim( axis: CFAxisKey, coord_var: Union[xr.DataArray, xr.Dataset] ): """Validates that the grid's axis has a single dimension. If the grid has multiple dimensions (e.g., "lat" and "latitude" dims), xcdat cannot interpret which one to use for grid operations. If ``coord_var`` is an ``xr.Dataset``, the grid has multiple dimensions. Parameters ---------- axis : CFAxisKey The CF axis key ("X", "Y", "T", or "Z"). coord_var : Union[xr.DataArray, xr.Dataset] The dimension coordinate variable(s) for the axis. Raises ------ ValueError If the grid has multiple dimensions. """ if isinstance(coord_var, xr.Dataset): raise ValueError( f"Multiple '{axis}' axis dims were found in this dataset, " f"{list(coord_var.dims)}. Please drop the unused dimension(s) before " "performing grid operations." )